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Blackheath and the wider area around it is an artistically vibrant part of London and home to many highly regarded artists but with surprisingly few exhibition spaces.


The ambition/mission of White Box is to support the careers of under-exposed full-time artists and give an opportunity for the local community to see contemporary artwork that deserves more exposure. Most, but not all, of our artists are from the local area.


We are particularly pleased to show brand new work and to vary the type of artists we show from month to month when exhibitions change.  In the past we have exhibited painters, ceramicists, print makers, sculptors and conceptual artists as well as posthumous retrospective exhibitions of  local artists.


  White Box Gallery is intended to be a community based gallery. It is run by Frances and Graham High. We aim to offer a venue for contemporary artists who wish to gain more visibility by showing original and progressive work. At the same time we wish to provide an informal environment with an ever-changing programme of stimulating work for the local community to enjoy.


White Box Gallery is small in size but is well located, overlooking the Hare and Billet pond and the Heath behind. Canary Wharf and the Shard are to be seen beyond the Heath’s big skies across the river to the North and West. The gallery has been in existence since February 2017 and has become a familiar and well-visited feature of the area.


Opening hours are between 11.00pm and 6.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays only. The gallery is invigilated by the artists themselves, typically over three or four weekends.  The shows are hung and organised by the artists themselves in conjunction with us, the gallery ‘staff’.


  Artists have the option of opening on other days of the week as arranged with the gallery, or to have an open day on a weekday if they so choose. The space is too small to have a condensed P.V.   gathering. Self-invigilation gives visitors the opportunity to engage directly with artists, encouraging a community of art lovers to grow around the gallery.


The gallery issues a newsletter every month which gives advance notice of the next three months shows. Artists may send proposals for showing at the White Box at any time but it may be better to approach the gallery for our ‘Notes to Artists’ to find out more about the gallery and how it works.

In general our artists are chosen based on strength of ideas and quality of work. We also like to show work of as wide a variety as possible so as to provide a broad and surprising programme.



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